Video Resources

SEL / Trauma Informed Care Video Resources

In the most challenging and trying times, we must summon strength from within. In this course, learn strategies for building and applying your inner strengths every day.

Other Distance Learning Video Resources

Teaching with Technology Video Resources

  • Virtual Teaching Academy Sessions

ADMINISTRATORS: Please feel free to share with your schools, colleagues and friends. This is our way of giving back to the community in a time when we are all in need of some assistance. At the onset of the Covid-19 outbreak, the Alliance for Virtual Learning, (spearheaded by University of Phoenix and Blackboard), created a free, online series to assist school district administrators and educators to prepare for online learning. The series was kicked off by a two-part webinar in which school district leaders discussed what they’d learned about online learning prior to Covid-19 and how it helped them to support their students and teachers during the pandemic. Following the kickoff, attendees were presented with a Blueprint for Success. This tool provides a means to assess current abilities, assets, inequities, infrastructure and more. The * Blueprint for Success is a key component for understanding the specific strengths and weaknesses of a district/educator’s ability to effectively teach online. (*Click to download) The series ramped up through a total of 10 sessions, each illuminating the criteria necessary for success in online learning. Now that the live sessions have concluded, we are happy to share the following free, online event videos to help K-12 teachers and administrators adapt to the new virtual learning landscape. Please visit the following link where you can download each session, including the Blueprint for Success: